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What is Medical Tattooing?

Paramedical Tattooing, also known as Medical Tattooing, and Medical Micropigmentation can be applied in many ways. Skin Camouflage helps improve the appearance of persons with skin diseases such as Vitiligo or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation from skin trauma. Scar Camouflage helps reduce the appearance of scars from accidents, burns, surgery, or the repair of congenital disorders such as Cleft Palate. Hair Simulation or Scalp Micropigmentation (SMU) helps restore the appearance of missing hair lost to disease (Cancer or Alopecia), trauma, or natural thinning within an eyebrow, mustache, or scalp. That technique can also be used to simulate hair stubble. Reconstructive camouflage helps post-mastectomy patients by creating a nipple and areola on the newly reconstructed breast. The appearance of areola incision scars from breast surgeries for augmentation, reduction, and breast lift can also be masked.

Our expertise also extends into the Paramedical field of scar revision, scar camouflage, tattoo removal, and hair follicle replication, as well as areola restoration, vitiligo, and skin pigmentation disorder camouflage, and much more. We use the latest state of the art equipment and highest-grade pigments for all of our procedures. We offer 4 different pigment brands, each with their own specialized line of shades and formulation to be used for the specific area being tattooed. This ensures you receive the best looking and longest lasting permanent makeup results.

Artistic cosmetic solutions help to improve the appearance of men and women with physical abnormalities related to the following conditions:

Scar Camouflage

  • Cosmetic Surgery Scarring
  • Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
  • Breast Reconstruction (Mastectomy)
  • Cleft Lip and Palate
  • Burns and Injuries

Skin Depigmentation

  • Pigmentation Loss from Scarring
  • Vitiligo (Skin Depigmentation)
  • Hypo-Pigmentation (Missing Color)

Hair Loss

  • Alopecia Areata
  • Thinning Hair and Hair Loss
  • Eyebrow Hair Loss
  • Receding Hair Lines

  • Scar Camouflage
  • Vitiligo
  • Cleft Lip
  • Hair Follicle & Scalp
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Nipple/Areola

Skin or scar camouflage is tattooing of the skin with different colors of flesh tone pigments. Its purpose is to disguise a scar or skin area that is missing pigment or color. It is a specialized area of Permanent Cosmetics that falls under the category of Medical or Paramedical Tattooing. This process is also called Corrective Pigment Camouflage (CPC), Corrective Camouflage, Skin Repigmentation, Scar Camouflage, Skin Camouflage, Camouflage Tattooing, and Skin Color Tattooing. The specialist performing these procedures must understand the science behind pigments and the physiology of human skin and tissue. These procedures require advanced knowledge, training, skills, and experience in Permanent Cosmetics as well as an artistic eye for color and skin tones.

Who Is A Candidate For Skin Color Repigmentation?
Even if you have a scar or skin abnormality, you may not be a candidate for skin repigmentation. You might be a candidate if you meet the criteria below.

If your scar is healed and no longer pink or changing color:
Your scar should be at least 9 to 12 months old with stable color. If it is red or pink or still changing color, the tissue may still be healing. A reputable, experienced medical tattooist will not work prematurely on scar tissue because it may cause further damage to the skin. (Note: If you were under a physician’s care for the condition, ask him/her if you may undergo skin color tattooing before contacting our office.)

If your scar is smooth and relatively flat:
Camouflage tattooing cannot disguise or correct extreme changes in skin texture. If your scar or skin area is bumpy or raised, the process may not be effective. (Note: If you have any skin surface irregularity, please consult with a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon first to see if any type of medical treatments can first improve the skin texture.)

If your scar does not have dark edges:
Dark edges or borders around a scar indicate Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation (PIHP) from the initial trauma or surgery. It is possible that the camouflage tattooing process may increase the hyper-pigmentation and create a wider, darker border. (Note: The risk of this happening is usually greater with darker skin tones.)

Who Is Not A Candidate For Skin Color Repigmentation?

If you have any of the following you would not be a candidate for skin color regimentation: Port Wine birthmarks; spider veins; freckles; age spots; under eye circles; hyper-pigmentation; or unstable Vitiligo (not in remission). These skin issues can be improved with non-Micropigmentation medical treatments such as lasers, sclerotherapy, or chemical peels. Please consult with a physician regarding the best course of treatment for these conditions.

What You Need To Know About Camouflaging /Scar Revision:
Camouflage tattooing will not completely restore skin to the way it looked before it was injured. The process will not “erase” a scar or skin abnormality so it appears completely gone and the area looks “perfect” again. It improves color differences to help disguise the scar or anomaly and make it less noticeable to other people. So you must have realistic expectations. Be sure to discuss this with your technician.

A scar camouflage tattoo will not be a “perfect” match to the surrounding skin color. This is due to the constant changes in skin tones from blood flow, body temperature, and tanning. The pigment in the tattoo will not darken if it is exposed to sunlight or tanning booths, so the tattoo may appear lighter if the surrounding skin tans. When the tattoo color matches tanned skin, it may appear darker once the surrounding tanned skin fades. Therefore, if you spend time outdoors, you will need to adjust your lifestyle or decide to match the tattoo to “winter” or “summer” skin and live with the changes in between.

Camouflage repigmentation is a process, not a one-time “cure.” It is performed on “unhealthy” skin that has been damaged or altered. Its response cannot be predicted—a scar or Vitiligo patch may have areas that absorb pigment, reject it, or both. The area will look dark and red immediately after a tattooing session, and then it takes several weeks to show the healed color (or not). This requires time and patience.